Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Respect my Authoritay!

Why is it that in every major instance run, guild or position of authority, you never see a hunter running the show?

Personally, as you can tell from my title, I have never felt quite secure enough to lead a Raid Instance and I have yet to be asked to join a position of authority amongst my guild. As a matter of fact, the one Hunter who did have a position of authority in our guild has retired their hunter and is now playing a priest.

On a side note, I found out today that I have been nominated as Assistant Class Leader -- but what kind of position of authority is Assistant Leader of the class that has no leaders? But I digress.

When I first started reading Big Red Kitty, I had assumed, since he wrote with such forcefulness and authority, that he must be the leader of his guild and he must run two or three groups through Karazhan a week. Then to my dismay, I learned that he did not lead his guild, he did not run the Kara instances... if BRK wasn't leading, what hope did the rest of us Hunters have?

Meanwhile, however, because I read people's blogs and keep track of trends, I seem to know a bit and offer a lot of insights to the entire raid -- so why don't I lead?

Honestly, I have always been happier being the man behind the throne, the man with the throne's ear than the one sitting upon it. I wonder if similar qualities draw hunters to be hunters, maybe we do not want to wield power, but we want to have a say in how that power is used.

Lets use the armory to see if I am right:
What Class leads what guilds?
  • Eternal n00bies' Guild: Paladin
  • Death & Taxes: (No Guild Leader) Rank 1: 3 warriors, Druid, Mage, shaman
  • Nilium: Warrior
  • Last Resort: Warrior
  • Meet Your Maker: Warlock
  • Curse: Rogue (Level 60?)
  • Forte: Warrior
So does what makes a good leader not make a good hunter? In my case, I just don't think I want a job running a guild or a raid, but I do want to be useful and helpful to my guild in any way possible, so when they ask for help, I usually pitch in wherever I can, but what are my motivations for doing so -- I would be honored to be asked to take more of a leadership role in the guild, (but not THE leader of the guild,) and I am perfectly happy being known as the guy that is reliable, can be called upon to do good things, bring the DPS, etc.

So I'm curious, whatever class you play, are you happy where you are at? Do you want more responsibility? Less? Why?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a Hunter Myself and i've been a Raidleader in two Guilds now. I've been (and still am) a part of a Guildcouncil in both aswell.
In my previous Guild i had a bit more active role as i was most of the time the main Raidleader during my reign.

In the current guild i ran one of two Karazhan raids while the 25man raids are done by a Mage.
The rest of the Council does advise him using officerchat but he is the one running the show during raids.
In the Council itsself we have 5 more active members who discuss and decide on things.

In my experience it's easier to be a RL as a rangedclass as they have a better view on the battlefield. I found it pretty hard keeping track of things when on my alt Warrior with a Core Giant in my face ;)