Thursday, August 23, 2007

Man, Gruul is a _______ ______.

Two nights in a row of late raiding (well late for me since I have to be up and at work early), has left the creative well a bit dry. Plus, it's my web space and does it always have to be about something? Does it have to be a long winded rehash of how stupid/scared/upset the game makes all of us?

Hell no!

So, lets talk about Karazhan and Gruul's lair and all the great loot I got! Man, there were some great drops for hunters on both runs and if I had rolled poorly and someone else had won the loot that would have been ok. If I had passed on the stuff, because we need to keep the team even, let everyone get loot, that would be ok too. But no... I had all the stuff already. Tier 4 tokens of the fallen hero dropped off both High King & Curator -- I've got 'em all the other purple stuff that I could possible use? Dupes.

On the plus side, in Kara we got to the Curator again in under 2 and half hours and one-shot him in 6 minutes and 4 seconds. And we had no Warlock, so they told me to head back to the bank and get all my arcane gear -- because you're the soaker baby!

And so 154 arcane resist unbuffed later (and a loss of 250 RAP (Ranged Attack Power for us n00bs who don't get the abbreviations -- PS there's a link over to your left to help with that.)) and I soaked up those bolts like a pro!

High King Mulgore went down on the second shot last night, may have gone down on the first, but one of his lackeys went bugging and started evading us.

Got Gruul down to almost 20% (at 3.4 million HP, that means we did 2.7 million worth of damage to him!) And where was the n00b on the damage meters? Well, combined me and Kulkinski were at 7.9%, the highest? A mage at 8%.

On a side note, on one of our many wipes, Gruul critted me for 26,000+ damage.

All in all a fun, if not lucrative, two nights and now I have to take a few days off from the game to avoid some serious spouse aggro.

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