Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A lot of loot for an off night

So, I log on last night because there was some discussion of running a heroic with a Kara team member to help him get some primal nethers, but no one shows up, so while waiting I head over to Blade's Edge Mountains to do some dailies, make some gold -- when I'm done, heading back to Shattrath, I stop by Zangamarsh to kill a few Bogflare Needlers in hopes of getting a Captured Firefly. I figure I'll spend 20 minutes farming there and then find something else to do. I wind up spending about 2 hours until one drops -- a little crazy to get something that I want just because I was a fan of Joss Wheadon's Firefly, but I'm still waiting for this heroic group to show up.

On a side note - another real life n00b moment: Some of my friends from college were so excited to see Joss Wheadon's movie "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" -- I happily went pretending all along that I knew who this Joss Wheadon was -- I figured I should know this film maker, they all knew him. I don't remember how much later, but it was years, when I realized the only reason why they knew Joss Wheadon was because they knew Joss Wheadon, he was a senior at my college when I was a freshman. End RL n00b moment.

So finally, I gave up on the heroic group and put my name into the LFG for Shadow Labyrinth. Why Shadow Lab? Because I was 1200 away from revered and I still wanted that damn Sonic Spear . So to my surprise, I get invited to a PUG rather quickly and to my even greater surprise, we have a very good tank and a good mage. After an Arms Warrior quit the group after being embarrassed by pulling a pat (weird, but he wasn't adding much in the way of DPS) we got a good warlock, and while the priest had a weird spec, he was damn good at keeping us all alive. And so I got a Pattern: Stylin' Purple Hat And then, thank Elune, when we get Mummur down, my baby drops, the Sonic Spear -- that and Auchenai Key made for a very nice night.

Now I have to decide whether to put +35 Agility or +70 Attack Power on that baby.


Anonymous said...

Speaking as both a hunter and an enchanter and, of course, having read Big Red Kitty for months, the Savagery enchant is much better, especially if you are BM. I have sav, on my Crystal Forged Axe. Very nice.

Guitgoin said...

Gratz on the Sonic Spear, last night was my first trip through Shadow Labs but no SS for me. Oh well, I did get my key frag for kara and I can always keep trying hehe.