Friday, September 28, 2007

Coming out to my family

"Hi, my name is Jon and I play World of Warcraft and I'm a n00b"

We sit so anonymously behind our computers, our voices can be heard, but our faces aren't seen and our real names, for the most parts are unknown.

We can play anonymously and no one need ever know about our passion for this game, unless we out ourselves.

So, several weeks ago while playing golf with my father and step-mother, they invited me and family out for dinner. I said "sorry we can't, I have plans."

"What are you doing?" They asked.

Thats when I realized I could either lie and say we were going out with friends or whatever or I could say that me and nine friends have to go to Karazhan.

I went with the latter and explained to my step-mother that I was playing an online game with other people and I had made plans. To my father the explanation was easier, "I'm playing a D&D like game online with other people tonight." (My dad was privy to all the hours my brother and I would spend playing D&D, so he had some understanding at least.) My Dad asked who the Dungeon Master was, so I spent sometime explaining the mechanics of the game, and about MMORPGs and also about Second Life, which they had heard about.

That wasn't too bad.

It got worse when my brother at a big family gathering started questioning not only about the game, but my devotion to it:

"How many hours do you spend on that game?"
"More than I should" I reply
"Forty hours a week, its like another job to him." My wife replied.
"No, it's not that many really more like 15 or 20."

Then the interrogation continued, with siblings, aunts and uncles. All the time with people asking my why was I wasting my time with this game, who were the losers I was playing with, generally giving me the third degree enough, that my brother apologized to me, not only when it was happening, but called me the next day AND sent me an email apologizing again for starting off the firestorm.

However, I did not mind it (Well, maybe the derogatory shots from Mrs. EN), but in general I was as happy to talk about my hobby as my family is to talk about their golf game.

So, now I'm an out and proud Warcrafter.

We're Here,
We're Night Elves,
Get Used to it!

1 comment:

Exanimo said...

Tbh i dont like people asking me too many questions about my WoW hobby either... it is often an eyeopener to myself, finding out just how hooked i am on the game. Ofcourse i know this already but i like to just ignore that for as much/long as possible ;)